2016 New Years Resolutions

2016 goals k

Run/Walk 250 miles

If planned efficiently, this will be approximately 3 miles 2x each week. In theory, it shouldn’t be difficult between GTS runs, WMC walks, HIB, and races. But life happens, and I’m sure I’ll be playing catch-up next December.

Run 16 chipped races

In 2014 I ran the Boilermaker. In 2015 I was pregnant for 9/12 months, but still ran the Turkey Trot. Sub-Goal is to run a 5k under 25 minutes.

Lead 46 Hike it Baby Hikes

Since leaving the Empire State, where mountains are abundant, my aspiration to be an Adirondack 46er has been put on hold. But in homage of that, I want to plan and execute 46 HiB hikes. That’s 3-4 each month, which is perfectly plausible.

Attend as many WMC Walks and Mommy & Me Classes as possible

No excuses. There is a walk every Monday, and yoga class every Tuesday. They’re free. They’re social. And they’re fun. I will attend at least 6 events each month.