Breastfeeding Mamas across the country frequently receive suggestions pertaining to naturally boosting their breastmilk supply. Most of them are wives tales, with no research or evidence. Many supply boosters are successful only in their marketing. But one suggestion that keeps coming back is the blue dye supply lie. Ladies- blue sports drink will not increase your… Continue reading The Blue Dye Supply Lie
How to Shop via DotDotSmile Website
The rumors are true! DotDotSmile has relaunched their website, filled it with fresh inventory, and you’re now able to shop straight from the warehouse. Gone are the days of hunting for that elusive cream pumpkin dress… If you were joining multiple groups wishing there was a DotDotSmile catalog, you are in luck my friend. The… Continue reading How to Shop via DotDotSmile Website
Is DotDotSmile Part of LuLaRoe?
Have you ever noticed the similarity between the DotDotSmile Classic Cap Sleeve Dress and the LuLaRoe Nicole Dress? Is it a coincidence? Maybe. It Started with a Dress In March 2013, Nicole Thompson had an idea to launch her own kids fashion line. LuLaRoe was still a fresh concept, with a single maxi-skirt. The… Continue reading Is DotDotSmile Part of LuLaRoe?
Holiday Gift Guide: Eco Kids
Tis the season to begin our holiday shopping! Before we drown ourselves in one time use wrapping paper, let’s consider the environmental impact on our winter holiday gift giving. It’s easy to lose sight of it all when we’re spreading the joy one gift at a time. Norwex provides an eco kids sustainable gift option… Continue reading Holiday Gift Guide: Eco Kids
Holiday Gift Guide: Stuff a Stocking
Just like that, November is here. Halloween is behind us, and the calendar will skip right over Thanksgiving and bounce into the Winter Holiday Season! The Holiday season is for spending time with family and sharing gifts that show your love. Gifts might be under the tree, by the menorah, or in a stocking. Christmas, Hanukkah,… Continue reading Holiday Gift Guide: Stuff a Stocking