The Blue Dye Supply Lie

Breastfeeding Mamas across the country frequently receive suggestions pertaining to naturally boosting their breastmilk supply. Most of them are wives tales, with no research or evidence. Many supply boosters are successful only in their marketing. But one suggestion that keeps coming back is the blue dye supply lie. Ladies- blue sports drink will not increase your… Continue reading The Blue Dye Supply Lie

Categorized as Parenting

The Bit Chicken Discrepancy

Sometimes our ears play tricks on us. But what do you do when you hear something (clear as day, mind you) that actually makes perfect sense in the context of the phrase. In fact, you wouldn’t have questioned the phrase at all, if not for the details surrounding the conversation (ie, who is saying it… Continue reading The Bit Chicken Discrepancy

Categorized as Parenting

The Poop & Shower Disaster

Showering with a toddler is an adventure on a good day. Firstly, you can’t just jump in whenever you please, it has to be planned. Gone are the days when you can stick baby in the rocker just outside the door. Now you’ve gotta shower during naptime (If you aren’t napping too, or catching up… Continue reading The Poop & Shower Disaster

Categorized as Parenting

Hoppy Easter

Growing up, Easter was always one of my favorite holidays. I actually got very depressed during college when I couldn’t come home for Easter during term. And I was incredibly discouraged when J didn’t support my desire to hide eggs for Gingie’s first Easter. No, she couldn’t walk. But no, I didn’t care. 

Yoga Mamas

Shortly after welcoming my ginger haired blossom into the world, I connected with the Whole Mothering Center of SETX and attended a weekly walk. There, I was told about Mommy and Me Yoga. I was interested, but didn’t go. In fact, I didn’t go back to a walk for a few weeks either! I felt… Continue reading Yoga Mamas