Spoiler Alert: I’m not pregnant
I’ve always been open in transparency that Sassy was an unexpected surprise, and she would be my only one. No, I didn’t “change my mind” and decide I want another. No, I don’t think she “needs a sibling”. And no, I don’t think I “owe” my partner a biological child. But with everything in mind, we have decided that if I have a second child, I want it to be intentional. I did the surprise thing seven years ago. This time, we are deciding to see if it happens.
Read More: What I Love About Being a Mom
More on that later. But for now, let’s chat babyname planning. Since I am not pregnant, and my birth control could continue to impact fertility for the next few months, I do not have a gender to choose for. If you know Sassy’s story, she was a surprise until the very end. This time we would more than likely find out the sex in advance, though I would still prefer a fairly neutral nursery.
Name Styles I Like
I’m so excited to see vintage names making a comeback. Lately there have been so many random words trending in the baby name department, and that’s not my type at all. I prefer a classic name. I would love to choose a name from the past but give them a modern nickname.

Three Syllable Names
My name is Katherine, which arguably has three syllables. Sassy’s full name also has three syllables. Although not an essential preference, I would love to consider a three syllable first or middle name.

Names from Literature
As a lifelong lover of reading, it makes sense that I might pull a name from a favorite book. Hermione isn’t on the top of my list, or on my list at all. I’m more considering names that my partner and I understand, and those who we share it with, but to the general public it is just a name.

Presidential (or Leaderly) Middle Name
My daughter’s middle name is Kennedy, after John F. Kennedy. I wanted a name that tied her to a strong leader, but was also gender neutral if she ever needed to manipulate her resume. Although not a necessity, I would love to integrate a name either from a President or strong leader as a middle name.

Hyphenated Name
Y’all know I live in the south now, which is full of double barrel names with or without a hyphen. Sassy has a hyphenated name because I knew people would always cut off the second bit if we didn’t use a hyphen. Admittedly, although there are hyphenated name options for boys, I would only consider it for a daughter.

Names We WONT be Using (but are still cute)
Naming a baby after a relative is a fun way to honor a loved one. But no one wants to share a name with their cousin. So these are the names of the youngest generation of kiddos in both of our families.

Tips for Choosing a Baby Name
Ultimately, choosing a baby name is up to the parents. It has to be right for us, and other peoples opinions shouldn’t sway one way or another. For that reason, we will definitely be keeping the little squish’s name a surprise until they are earth side.
Avoid super trendy names. Some names have been in the Top 5 for years now, and those will be heavily populated names in classrooms. Otherwise your kiddo will forever be known as their first name and last name initial. Is that what you want? If you love a name that’s super popular, consider using it as a middle name instead.
Avoid super unique spellings. Changing the spelling of a name doesn’t change the name itself. It just makes it confusing for their friends and future coworkers, and it makes it more difficult to learn the spelling down the line. Occasionally changing an o to a y can add a feminine spin, but for the most part it is just a pain in the butt when parents change spellings to be unique.
Consider the nicknames. I’m a big fan of calling a child by their given name. I like fun nicknames, like Sassy. But I think parents who want to call their child Katie should nâme them Katie… not Katherine. That being said, nicknames are hard to avoid. So even if you’re going to call them by their given name, make sure the nicknames they could earn outside of your control are still acceptable. This goes for initials as well!