Kiwi Box – BUGS

This month’s Koala Crate theme is BUGS!

Did you know that most children are born without the concept of gender roles, and around age 3 girls begin to feel societal draws away from trucks, dirt, and bugs and more towards pink, babies, and staying with mom. Since Charlotte-Ann has always been fascinated by bugs (especially spiders), we’ve worked hard to reenforce the concept that she can like anything she wants and ignore the boy and girl labels on her toys. This in mind, I was thrilled by the bug themed Kiwi Box, because it’s truly one of her favorite things… even if there was no spider or palmetto bug activities.

As always, the box includes an instruction guide for the parent or helper, and a magazine for the kid that reinforces the theme concepts, and includes additional activities to try at home.

Activity 1: Matching Game

The first activity is a matching game. The cards are hexagons, which is a shape we’ve been working on. We started with five pairs and slowly added a few more. The cards include various bugs like caterpillar, stick bug, beetle, butterfly, and firefly.

The rules are simple- turn over two cards. If they match, keep the pair. If not, turn them back over! We added more pairs into the mix as she got faster, to make it difficult.

Activity 2: Ladybug Pouch

Charlotte-Ann barely needed any help for this activity. Her ladybug’s spots may not be symmetrical, but that just gives it character.

The kiddos assemble their ladybug pouch using fabric glue felt stickers, then a shoelace style string for the drawstring (which works fine motor skills).

The box came with a bug eye viewer (a simple kaleidoscope shaped like a mushroom) that they can store in the ladybug pouch!

Activity 3: Butterfly Costume

Before I let Charlotte-Ann loose with the big felt stickers, I had her practice symmetry. She got the hang of it pretty quickly, so we started decorating the butterfly wings. She was so interested in the symmetrical aspect that she forgot to spread the dots out across the wings. Oh well- it’s unique and special.

It also came with a headband for antennae, which were pipe cleaners.

Get Your own Kiwi Box

Every Kiwi Co box is filled with age appropriate activities to teach kiddos science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Every month is a different theme, with three games or crafts and a magazine that reenforces the theme.

There is monthly options, or subscriptions for 3/6/12 months. You can pause at any time, and start again no questions asked!

Plus- save 50% with Charlotte-Ann’s referral code!

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