Do you give Valentine’s Day gifts? Don’t roll your eyes at me, Valentines Day is around the corner and that means we’re going shopping. Online, obviously, because the weather has been grey and rainy and I spend my free time home scrolling.
Why do we need an excuse to tell someone you love them? You don’t. The concept of Valentine’s Day has never gone over with me. But, ironically, my love language is Gift Giving. Nothing quite fills my cup like shopping for someone I love, and putting in the time and energy picking out something special. That being said, pairing my distain for Valentine’s Day with my love of gift giving, I’ve come up with the compromise.
Give gifts that can be loved all year round.
Quickly, before we chat about shopping… Do you know your love language? Do you know your partner’s? It’s damn near impossible to love and be loved to the fullest potential without understanding these (even if you aren’t aware!). Take the quiz here and make sure hubby does as well. Then focus your gifts on something that speaks to those languages. It will save you a lot of frustration when it comes to loving your partner when you both understand how you show love, and how you wish to receive it.
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Screenshot this photo to shop via the free app. Don’t have the app? Check out my post How to Use app by RewardStyle
Date Night Outfit:
When shopping clothes, keep the hearts simple and cutesy saying to a minimum. This will make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck, and it will fit seamlessly into your wardrobe. Reds and pinks can be toned down with white pants, or edged up with faux leather pants.
Correct me if I’m wrong ladies, but we do not want expensive heart jewelry. The big box jewelry chains are lying to you, men. Save your moolah. We would rather you splurge on basically anything in existence instead of that genetic infinity heart necklace or heart link bangle. Just don’t. But, some cute earrings with accent hearts might make the cut.
Oh, and V-Day adverts tend to play up the bedroom wardrobe, but unless your lovely lady has explicitly stated she wears it… don’t make assumptions. Heck, let her buy it and have it be her surprise for you. Too much risk for awkwardness. Don’t kiss your chances goodbye. The exception, buying your man goofy heart boxers. Those are fun, loving, and still practical.
Fitness sets, on the other hand, are almost always appreciated. Everyone knows you workout harder when you have a cute outfit, and there’s nothing better than getting sweaty with your boo. That used to be a common Saturday morning date in our home.
Items for the Family
This is a bit of a cop out, but goes over well in our family. When we buy each other a gift that benefits the both, we get to avoid the guilt of buying it for ourselves. Now mind you, it should truly be beneficial for both. In our home, that means coffee items. We both enjoy a new French press or bean grinder, and we certainly get good use out of our ninja coffee bar. We also enjoy playing games together, so an addition to the game closet goes over well.
Casual Beauty
Some women follow a specific beauty routine, which makes it difficult for the lovers in their life to buy them beauty items. But there is a while line of casual beauty items she will appreciate. Stay away from the big brands and focus on keeping it simple with bath items and accessories, like fuzzy socks, cute scrunchies, or bath bombs.
But please don’t reach for those pre-packaged spa baskets. She doesn’t want them. Don’t do it.
Just like I always suggest for the winter holidays, sometime’s it’s better to ditch the physical gods and go for an experience. Instead of Date Night, book a weekend getaway. Or a staycation in your own town. Pickup an annual pass to a recreational facility you both enjoy (like the bowling alley, shooting range, or beach parking pass). These are great for anything, but especially a partner who has Quality Time as their love language.
When in doubt, you’ll usually do good with some Words of Affirmation (“you make me happy” and “you’re the best”), or Acts of Service (breakfast in bed, a car wash in the driveway, some perfect vacuum lines), or Physical Touch (I’m talking about a bonus kiss or two, my friends. Don’t go overboard.) There is still time to get out (or get online) and grab something incredible for your special someone. Don’t let your excuses get the best of you. you can push yourself past the cliche and overpriced Valentine’s Day gifts and choose something they will actually enjoy. I believe in you. (That’s Words of Affirmation right there!)
So there you have it, for all the folks out there who may not have Gift Giving as their Love Language, and have no idea what to shop for. The secret to choosing Valentine’s Day gifts is to understand yall’s Love Language, and gift something that can be used all year round.
The secret to good Valentine's Day gifts is giving something that can be loved all year long. #ValentinesDay Share on XLet’s Chat
Do you know your Love Language? Were you surprised by your results?
How are you showing your sweetie that you love them today, tomorrow, and on that pesky February 14th?