Winter Wellness: Tips to Take Care of Your Body During the Colder Months

Hello, winter? Where are you…? It’s been hard to accept that winter is here lately, thanks to the weather missing the memo of what month we’re in. But even though it’s been warmer than normal, it’s still winter. We can’t neglect winter body care just because the thermostat is playing jump rope.

Winter is harsh on your body. Back when I was going to school, I remember getting windburn on my face while waiting for the school bus. In college, I was warned not to wear metal jewelry in my ears or I would risk frost bite. Each night as the jeans fell to the floor, so did a blizzard of dry skin. It wasn’t just dandruff- my entire body would flake. Long hair meant blowdrying for at least 30 minutes, and shortcutting meant it would freeze in the icy air. Long story short, I do not miss New York winters.

But even if you live in the south, it’s still important to shift gears in the cooler months and take care of your skin, hair, and nails.



Stay Hydrated. 

You may think that you don’t need to drink as much during the winter, since you aren’t sweating, but that isn’t the case. We still need to drink 1/2 our body weight in ounces (or just shoot for a gallon for continuity). Hydration fuels the cells, and gives you energy. Its so easy to fall short on your daily water goal during the cooler months because you don’t feel hot, so set timers on your phone or use a water bottle with time trackers to keep you accountable. And no, coffee doesn’t count as water.


This seems like common sense, but so many people feel like dry skin is inevitable in the winter months. But we should fight dry skin from both directions, inside and out, by moisturizing frequently. I like to put on body lotion after I get out of the shower to lock in the moisture before it evaporates. Avoid lotions with fragrance and dyes, and focus on a cleansing moisturizer with healing properties like (Aquafor?). Load up immediately after showering to lock in before you dry out.
Pro Tip: don’t give into the urge to scald your skin with hot water. Cold water is best for your follicles, and will keep you feeling fresh)


Giving your body a good scrubdown each week will keep help the natural release of dry skin that can’t fall freely beneath the layers. Exfoliating also bring your fresh skin to the surface, which helps you a glow naturally, instead of looking dull. Totally TMI, but I find that the back of my thighs get super neglected between bikini seasons, so I try to give it a good scrub down whenever I think about it. Exfoliating will help encourage new skin to grow, and give you that healthy glow.

Trim Your Nails.

It’s hard to maintain nails in the cooler months (although hydration helps), so keep them trimmed to prevent them from chipping or snapping. This will also help prevent the cuticles from bleeding if the nail rips off. Adding collagen to your morning coffee may help to strength your nails, and add elasticity to your skin

Wear Sunglasses.

A lot of times people think sunglasses are exclusive for summer months, because the sun is high. But your eyes need protection year round, especially in the states with snow. Even with lower sun levels, the UV rays bounce off snow banks and can still cause damage. Keep them in your car year round to protect your eyes.

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PS// Did you miss my no BS guide to healthy skin? These tips below are great for your body in winter, but you should be caring for your body year round too!

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