How to Keep a “Toddler Run Home” Ready for Guests

I am so tired of making excuses for my home looking like a disaster. Show of hands if you’ve ever given an excuse to the neighborhood mom club so they wouldn’t schedule a playdate at your house. Or sat on the couch mortified because unexpected guests showed up. I have never been the perfect housewife,… Continue reading How to Keep a “Toddler Run Home” Ready for Guests

What I’m Wearing: Stripes & Moto Leggings

Happy Wednesday! The weather has been grey and dreary lately, which means inside projects and lots of (unfortunate) screen time. I had been promising a trip the the playground for two weeks now, so when we woke up yesterday to the sun shining in the window, I knew we were long overdue. After prying Charlotte-Ann… Continue reading What I’m Wearing: Stripes & Moto Leggings