Top Baby Names for 2023

It’s every baby name fanatic’s favorite day today because the Social Security administration officially released the top 1000 baby names, both boy and girl, baby names, from 2022. This is awesome because it helps us make predictions for which names will be popular this year.  To skip the blog and jump straight to the… Continue reading Top Baby Names for 2023

My Latest Obsession: Poppi Soda

Two trends have emerged in recent years- elevated seltzers and functional waters. Gone are the days when seltzer was the old school sonic water or fizzy water that tastes like someone dropped a candy in the bottom. Seltzer has become a next level favorite, and don’t even get started with the alcoholic variety. We love… Continue reading My Latest Obsession: Poppi Soda

Categorized as Lifestyle

My Favorite Things (March 2023)

Hey friends! The spring is here and the world is blooming. Unless you live in upstate New York, where it snowed. I am so excited to live in a coastal area where the coldest days still don’t snow. As I’ve shared in the past, here are some of my favorite things lately.

Three Generation Family Photos

Does your family get family photos? When I was a kid, my family never got family photos. The exception being two occasions where we went on a family vacations (Virginia Beach one year and Disney another) and stood together as tourists and had a picture taken as a family.  Recently, we found a local… Continue reading Three Generation Family Photos

Categorized as Lifestyle