My Latest Obsession: Poppi Soda

Two trends have emerged in recent years- elevated seltzers and functional waters.

Gone are the days when seltzer was the old school sonic water or fizzy water that tastes like someone dropped a candy in the bottom. Seltzer has become a next level favorite, and don’t even get started with the alcoholic variety. We love trying to new fruity seltzers, but that’s a different blog post in the making.

Functional waters are more of a water with a purpose. These drinks have fiber and electrolytes and probiotics. People are finding ways to take what we need the most in order to survive, and making it better.

Insert Poppi.

Actually, let’s detour down the kombucha aisle quickly. Once upon a time, I attended a class on how to make kombucha. I apparently deleted the blog post, which doesn’t surprise me, because I wasn’t sure if I would ever do it again. Supermarket kombucha is so expensive, and once I knew how easy it was to make I really struggled to justify the cost. But making it has upkeep, and it was a struggle.

Kombucha is a fermented tea that has amazing gut health benefits. The SCOBY inside is home to microorganisms that help with digestion. Fermented foods are so good for us, and unfortunately we do not get enough and that’s why we see a lot of gut and digestion issues.

Back to Poppi.

Poppi is a prebiotic soda (very light carbonation) that has extremely similar benefits to kombucha, but with an apple cider base. The ACV not only reduces the price tag (these cans are about $2 at Target), but also lowers the sugar.

I first tried Poppi without knowing the benefits. I honestly thought it was more of a seltzer than a functional water, and was pleasantly surprised. After drinking two (raspberry rose flavored), I knew I had found my newest obsession.

Thankfully Ryan found multipacks on Amazon, as I was making a constant trip to Target for more. The 12 packs on Amazon are only $30, which is a much better deal. Plus, you can put it on auto ship for convenience and a slight discount (ends up being about $27/mo).

I have been drinking about 4-5 per week, which is plenty. I have definitely felt less bloated and more regular with my poo. Sometimes when I’m feeling fancy I will pour the can over ice and drink it with a straw. Other times I throw it back straight from the can on the way to work.

I am definitely obsessed with these Poppi sodas.

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