My Favorite Things (March 2023)

Hey friends!

The spring is here and the world is blooming. Unless you live in upstate New York, where it snowed. I am so excited to live in a coastal area where the coldest days still don’t snow.

As I’ve shared in the past, here are some of my favorite things lately.

Ovulation Strips AND the PreMom app

My menstrual cycle has never been regular. Throughout my adult life, I spent a lot of time on the Depo shot (which eliminates a menstrual cycle for many people). It also takes up to a year for a regular menstrual cycle to a return once going off the shot.

In an effort to stay on top of my cycle, I’ve been tracking my period with the Apple health app. But I wanted to add another layer- I decided to begin tracking my ovulation as well.

Buy a box HERE

The strips are not necessarily super easy to understand, so I’ve been using the PreMom app as well to keep a log of all of my results. You can take a picture of your test each day and the results are tracked and analyzed.

Catan Junior

I have played the game Catan exactly one time, and I was horrible. Actually, I was entirely overwhelmed and couldn’t quite grasp all the rules. But when we decided to try Catan Junior, so Sassy could play as well, I realized it’s actually a fun game!

The strategy is similar, just simplified. This game is awesome for kids 7-8 or higher. There is a board for two players and a game for 3 or 4 players.

Grab a copy of Catan Junior

Zenni Optical

Last year a dog that I was babysitting ATE my glasses. He literally chewed and swallowed my frames, and only the lens survived. At the time I didn’t have insurance, and there was no way for me to get a new pair.

Thankfully, I had a copy of my prescription available. Zenni Optical was quick and easy, and so affordable. Since then, I’ve bought a few more glasses so I have a pair to match my outfits.

Save 10% off your Zenni purchase with code ZENFFFYWSEF

The Ordinary Moisturizer

I was gifted a moisturizer and it is a new favorite for sure. It’s very potent and only requires a small amount, but without leaving any greasy feeling.

Check out this TikTok where I show it off. If you want some, shop here.

Poppi Prebiotic Drinks

I have been a huge fan of kombucha forever now, but I do not love the price tag. Poppi is not only so much more affordable than kombucha, but shelf stable and less pucker as well.

Grab a multipack of Poppi here!

I hope y’all have had a wonderful start to spring. Let me know what you are loving lately.

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