What We Had for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my families. Sometimes Thanksgiving is meant for friends. The history of Thanksgiving is not as pretty as we portrayed it back in grade school, but nonetheless we are taking it back as a time to enjoy friends and family. Oh- and it is a time to enjoy good food.

Categorized as Holidays

My Favorite Things (November 2022)

Hey friends! It’s been a while since I’ve shared my favorite things. Heck, it’s been a while since I’ve posted consistently in the first place. Oops. As we move into 2023, let’s recap some things I could not have lived without this past year.

How I Will Choose a Babyname (and Over 100 Baby Name Ideas)

Spoiler Alert: I’m not pregnant I’ve always been open in transparency that Sassy was an unexpected surprise, and she would be my only one. No, I didn’t “change my mind” and decide I want another. No, I don’t think she “needs a sibling”. And no, I don’t think I “owe” my partner a biological child.… Continue reading How I Will Choose a Babyname (and Over 100 Baby Name Ideas)

Trying to Conceive: What to Consider When Deciding Exactly WHEN to Have a Baby

For many couples who plan a pregnancy it’s a matter of yes or no. Most hopeful parents decide when they are ready, then go off birth control and perhaps start tracking their cycles, and eventually when the deed is done and the seed is planted… boom, a baby. There are lots of circumstances where a… Continue reading Trying to Conceive: What to Consider When Deciding Exactly WHEN to Have a Baby

Categorized as Parenting

New Year Budgeting Tips

One of the most common New Years Resolutions, after “lose weight” (Which is a terrible resolution anyway), is to “save money”. But what does it mean to save money anyway? Buy less coffee? Go out for dinner less? Cancel that gym membership? Nah- it’s about checking out your income and cash flow, and reflecting on… Continue reading New Year Budgeting Tips