Friday Recap

Hello hello! It’s been a while since I’ve written a weekly recap, since life has been helter skelter here. But alas, back to the basics- five things Friday is only four this week, because my fitness has been trash. I didn’t run a single mile nor go to the gym even once. This week has been crazier than normal, but when better to fall back into old habits? It’s now or never. Let’s jump right in.

Off the Grid

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed a slight decline in my posting. Why? Because I’ve been busy as heck prepping for a road trip! We are currently in the car driving up to Utica, New York (between Syracuse and Albany) for my sister’s baby shower. Hooray!

It doesn’t help doing this while solo-parenting… Jonathan is (hopefully) meeting is there, but leading up to the trip was a lot of shopping, packing, and planning. Road trip with a toddler is no small feat, let alone to do alone!

Learn Through Play

This week in our homeschool preschool projects we have been doing more writing skills. We learned the sounds for, and traced, and wrote, the letter H and R. She’s also been doing addition

I’m no professional, but the workbooks day 1st grade. So no doubt she is really learning fast.

We also focused on the Farm this week. We build a vegetable matching game, with heavily worked her fine motor skills. We threaded colored beads on pipe-cleaners to mimic vegetables in the ground. My favorite activity is one that becomes a game after it’s built, so we use them as a matching game after. We also made felt finger puppets of farm animals, and discussed the different sounds they make. We plan to also make a box farm, but that didn’t fit into our week. The best part about homeschooling is the flexibility.

Style Spotlight

A few months ago I found these super cute shoes for Charlotte-Ann, but they were too big. So I hoarded them until she sized up. They are still a smidge too big, but close enough. I have waited my whole life for this.

My shoes were $6 at Family Dollar, and hers were $6 at Ross

My outfit : shirt / pants / earrings

CA outfit: shirt

Words for the Week

Been focusing my mind and energy on being unapologetically me, and it’s a great reminder for all of us. This week at small group, I struggled with some of the conversation and feel as though I’m segmenting myself and portraying myself inadequately (again). This week I am going to refocus my energy on maintain my wholesome self, and not splintering.

{Remember, you can receive 10% off your MantraBand order when you use the code SymonSays}

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