The Welcome Mat Hack

Nothing quite says welcome to our home as much as a welcome mat that says just that. But when living in a cookie cutter community, we all want to find ways to make our homes stand out and look a little bit nicer (for a little bit of money).

So I was so excited to find this welcome mat hack, to totally switch up the front door vibe with a cheap splash of color that can change with the seasons.

A welcome mat serves two functions- it adds aesthetic and color to your front porch or entryway and it also captures any dirt or debris instead of tracking it throughout the house.

We bought this home a few weeks before Christmas, so I immediately bought a basic doormat that said Joy. But when it came down after the epiphany, I was itching to find a replacement.

The current trend circulating Instagram’s home decorators is a layered welcome mat. This includes a larger, colorful woven mat under a simple beige doormat. Since our house is known as the house with a blue door, I wanted to hunt down a woven accent rug with bold blue hues and tie it together.

These mats at Walmart start at $3.77, and come in a multitude of color combinations. It’s fully possible to buy four color-ways and layer them under the exact same hello doormat and end up with four distinct seasonal entryways.

Charlotte-Ann and I laid out every single woven rug in the aisle before we chose the best color selection. I was leaning towards some pretty blues, or a fun kiwi green with beach vibes, but she chose a maroon and silver so this season we are Gamecock fans.

There are unlimited options! Will you try this?

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