Word of the Year 2020

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What is Word of the Year

For some reason people think that at the stroke of midnight on 12/31, when New Years Day rolls around, you suddenly have chance to change your life over night. That isn’t true, at all. Life changes need to be intentional. They take time, and consistency. Declaring your goals is great, but self improvement is more than that. A word of the year is not a new idea, but probably the best idea, for aligning your focus with your longterm actions each year.

Instead of New Years Resolutions, which are usually people trying to change things they dislike about themselves, let focus on a longterm, intentional focus. Don’t try to fix little things in one area, focus on becoming your best self across the board. Your Word or the Year (WOTY for short) should be able to motivate self growth in multiple areas in your life- not just your body, not just your job, not just your relationship or family.

My Word of the Year 2020

Similar to 2017, when I wanted to stop “dealing with” life, and actually live it, this year I wanted to push myself to take risks and step out of my comfort zone. This year my word is Push. I want to push myself past my excuses, get out of my comfort zone, and away from the limitations I put on myself. The only thing stopping me is me.

From a fitness point of view, I want to push myself and my running. I want to run more often, longer distances, and faster, and stop blaming my lack of improvement on my disease. Sure, I’m going to struggle. But I can overcome it with the right training. I set goals to participate in at least 10 races, and maintain 2+ mile training runs in my week (instead of the single mile training runs I’ve gotten comfortable with). I also finally took, and passed, by ACE Group fitness certification test. So I am going to push myself to attend as many classes as possible, soak up more GFI knowledge, and seek out a job as a fitness instructor at a local gym.

Here in the blogosphere, I want to focus on pushing my writing. In 2019 I really tried to build a social media following, and as much as I understand the value of utilizing social media as a funnel… yall, I despise taking photos of myself. It feels so self-centered and icky to fill my feed with photos of me, instead of sharing life through my lens. My instagram has felt less and less inspired, my follower growth has plateaued as a result, and I feel like it’s a full time energy sucking job. For what?  A photo that lasts a few seconds on someone’s feed as they scroll mindlessly? Not this year, Satan. I’m going to push myself to make this blog my focus, with weekly posts and gaining sponsored posts and partnerships, and using social media as a funnel to this blog.

I think push is a great word for me to regain focus on what I want, and keep myself accountable until I reach my goals.

I picked a Word… Now what?

Did you pick a Word of the Year for 2020? Declare it to the world!

Accountability is huge, both from yourself and your networks. Shout your #woty on social media, doodle it in your notebooks, make it the lock screen on your phone. Heck- write it on your bathroom mirror with lipstick, or use a sticky note. You want to see the word, embrace the word, and intentionally focus on the word every day for the next 365 days. Or 366, since its Leap Year this year. Lucky us.

Twenty WOTY Suggestions for 2020

Still don’t have a word? Don’t worry! Something will pop out to you, and that is meant to be.

  1. Adventure
  2. Balance
  3. Brave
  4. Clarity (My 2016 WOTY)
  5. Confidence
  6. Create
  7. Execute (My 2019 WOTY)
  8. Forgive
  9. Grace
  10. Gratitude
  11. Intention
  12. Listen
  13. Monetize (my 2018 WOTY)
  14. More/Less
  15. Non-Complacent (My 2017 WOTY)
  16. Resilient
  17. Satisfaction
  18. Self
  19. Thrive
  20. Wonder

twenty woty ideas


So tell me…

Do you have a Word of the Year? What is it? Drop this year, or another year’s Word of the Year in the comments below! Or, share some suggestions that I might have missed.

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