2020 Goals

Every year the New Year rolls around we are pulled between setting New Years Resolutions or ditching the resolution and choosing a Word of the Year instead. Personally, I like to set attainable goals (that can be tracked, and reassessed throughout the year) and a WOTY too. Both put intention into your year, and keep you on track.

Goals, unlike resolutions, aren’t necessarily deciding to “fix” something about yourself. You are not broken! We do not need to be resolved. Instead, goals are actions that we want done. They may be inward, but they also could be about your friends and family, your relationship, health and fitness or school and career. Goals can be about anything, not just self improvement.

Don't look at your 2020 goals as things you need to fix about yourself, but instead think of your them as things you want to get done this year. Share on X

As a reminder, goals should be very specific and intentional. “Lose weight” gives you nothing to work with. That could literally be reached after you poop next (Sorry, TMI). Be mindful to the details, and numbers. Don’t just say you want to “read more”, tell me how many books you want to read. And indicate a deadline to keep you accountable; how many books each month will help you reach that annual goal? Obviously the most important reminder is that your goal is realistic. You will, probably, not be able “run a marathon under 3 hours” without any prior running training. But you will, more than likely, be able to “run a half marathon, under 2:30”, if you’ve been running 5k and 10k races.

2020 goals

My 2020 Goals

In order to better manage my 2020 goals, they’re sorted into category. I tried not to list more than three goals per category, so I don’t over exert in one area of growth and focus. This also helps down the line when evaluating if the goals were reached, because I can check off individual that work towards the category as a whole. It also shows me where I am struggling to push myself towards achieving the goals.


Health and Fitness

Run 10+ Races. There was a year or two when my goal was to run a race each month, and I would love to get there. But since I am still transitioning into the low country running community, ten will be this year’s goal. I ran 4-5 this year (sadly, I can’t even recall. I’ll have to think about it when I go back to update my time spreadsheet). Anything is an improvement. As in the past, I want to focus on 10k distances, since 5k races tend to encourage speed and I enjoy endurance.

Run 500+ miles. In the past I wanted to run 365 miles, meaning one per day. But then I got complacent with races and training runs exceeding a mile, which allowed excessive rest days. This year, in order to truly push myself, I hope to exceed 500 miles. That’s minimal 2 miles per day, which is attainable but also something to work towards.

Attend 3+ Classes per Week. I know that I am a strong fitness enthusiast, but I am not perfect. We all should strive to use extrinsic motivation to further our fitness goals. That is why I plan to attend at least 3 classes each week, to get pushed by someone stronger than my excuses. This includes any Beachbody on Demand videos, since they are technically classes in your home.

Take one CEC course. This year I officially received my ACE Group Fitness certification, and have in the past taken the Barre Above CEC (continuing Education Course). Ironically I took the CEC before the ACE, but that’s my life. So this year I plan to take at least one CEC course, possibly Cardio Yoga, to maintain the certification and work towards being an instructor.


Pay off one credit card. Truthfully, we don’t have excessive credit card debt. But we gained some between moving between states and traveling back to New York. It is perfectly attainable for us to strive and pay off our travel card, and stick with a monthly pay-off plan. As we pay off cards and debts, that allows us to increase minimum payments on the next debt. We only focus on exceeding minimum payments on one debt as a time, to knock that out. Overachieving on multiple debts at once does not knock them out.

Stop killing time at Target. This one seems obvious, but it is my life. Each morning, after I drop Sassy at school, I don’t want to go straight home. So instead, I go to Target (or TJ Maxx). Even though I don’t need anything, I spend between $20-40 on whatever spoke to me. Sometimes its good stuff, other times it’s Bullseye’s Playground items, and a lot of the time its items that are a great deal on sale, but I didn’t need in the first place. I am going to be more intentional with my Target time, and the money spent.

Books to Read

Read 50+ Books. This is an annual goal, and I track it through Goodreads. Last year I read a lot of romance, which I enjoy. But I’m hoping to add more psychological thrillers this year, and general non-fiction.

Also, I want to hold myself accountable by reviewing as many books as possible right here on the blog, as well as on Goodreads. Hopefully, as a result, this will leave to acceptance as an ARC for one of my favorite authors.

Read through the entire Harry Potter Series. Of course I have read the series multiple times, but occasionally I like to read them again to look at it through an older perspective and more critical lens. Plus, due to their length, they take more time which adds more pressure to achieve my 50+ goal.

Places to Go

This list is more of a brain dump than a cohesive brainstorm. Since we are new to the area, I would like to reach out to tourist areas within a short drive for weekend trips.

  • Savannah, Georgia
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Gatlinburg, Tennessee
  • St. Augustine, Florida


Charleston County Gold Pass. This pass gives unlimited admission to about 20 different county parks. I want to visit at least 10 of the parks this year, and bonus points for reviewing them here in the Local Tourist category.

Disney Cruise for Christmas. In the past we have cruised during April, but this year we are feeling drawn to a holiday cruise instead. This one may not happen, but I would like to.


Miscellaneous Goals

Family Cookbook. I am not a chef, by any means, and often find myself searching for things to make for dinner. This year I hope to compile all the meals we actually like, and I can actually cook, into a cookbook. This would, in theory, help with meal prep and shopping lists, and not running out of ideas or trying random Pinterest recipes that end up failing.

Holiday Address Book. Every year I make ornaments and cards. Every year I send them to the same person. And still, year after year, I have someone who feels hurt that they didn’t receive a card. Usually because they received one in the past and I forgot. So this year I want to make a comprehensive list, not online, with the recipients of ornaments and cards.

Paint the Living Areas. In the first year of living in this home, I had painted two of the three bathrooms. I also applied vinyl wallpaper to three walls (one bathroom, one laundry room, one closet wall.) This year I hope to increase the number of rooms painted, including the three bedrooms (one is her playroom) and living room. Possibly paint an accent wall in the dining room, but due to the open concept design I am not holding my breath on choosing colors for the kitchen and dining area.


Have you picked your 2020 goals? Or a word of the year? Let me know below what you hope to achieve this year!


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