Happy Healthy: Five Ways to Eat Healthier Today

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Show of hands if you’ve been to the beach, or the pool yet. There are so many great summer swimsuits this year, I have had to resist buying more than I actually need. I actually cannot swim beyond what’s necessary to save my life, so I prefer a floatie in the lazy river. Unless I’m lounging on a boat, of course. Either way– Bring on summer, and all the beaches and barbeques. But who else wants to eat healthy this summer?

I am all for body positivity, but I also promote health and fitness. There’s a delicate balance. No one wants to go to the beach and hate themselves, or sit down for dinner and hate what’s on their plate. So step away from the diet pills and put a halt to the yoyo diets. There are quick, simple ways to eat healthier to lead a better lifestyle, and your family will love it too.

I can’t claim to eat super healthy all the time, I still indulge here and there like anyone else. But we try to stay healthy 80% of the time, and then we don’t feel bad about eating out, grabbing ice cream, or sneaking a peanut butter cup after bedtime. Here are my five quick ways to eat healthier today, and every day.

5 Ways to Eat Healthier

  1. Meal Prep. Be honest. If you get home from work, starving, and you have to plan out dinner, what do you do? You end up snacking or going out to eat. Plan ahead! Either make a list on Sunday, that way you’re prepared, or even prep up meals and pop them in the freezer so they’re ready to go. A few minutes in the beginning of the week will save time, and cheat meals, later.
  2. Eat more Veggies. Filling your plate with vegetables means filling your stomach with them. We try to eat 3+ cups of veggies with every meal. Buying the huge bulk bag of frozen veggies is the most cost effective, rather than the small steamable bags. Aim for half your plate to be filled with vegetables. We also sneak veggies into dishes, like shaving carrots into meatloaf or dropping some spinach into eggs.
  3. Drink more Water. There’s controversy in the claim that we confuse the craving for hunger and thirst, but there’s no doubt that your body needs water to survive. Plus, if you drink a gallon or more water throughout the day, you’re also sneaking in exercise with your frequent potty breaks. That’s a win win. Water flushes your body, hydrates your muscles, keeps your skin clear and looking fresh. Plus, it gives you something to do instead of snack.
  4. Don’t let yourself get too hungry. We’ve all been starving where we eat everything in sight. By planning your meals ahead (read #1 again), you prevent that ravenous nature. Schedule the time for your meals, and also your snacks, so you don’t go longer than 4 hours without a nutrient dense meal. I always keep a snack bag in my car for Charlotte-Ann, but I’ve snuck in there a few times for myself as well.
  5. Add fermented foods to your diet. Your stomach is full of bacteria, good and bad, that helps to break down the food you eat. Fermented foods contain probiotics (the good bacteria) that aids in digestion and builds immunity. Fermented foods include kombucha, sauerkraut, or kefir. Or, you can invest in a trustworthy brand of probiotic supplements.

If you’re looking to eat healthy and completely change your diet, but looking for big results, I cannot recommend Renaissance Periodization enough. It breaks down the timing, macros, and portions of a well balanced diet to achieve the goals you want. It’s strict, but Jonathan lost 35lbs in 12 weeks, and best of all… he didn’t gain any of it back. Ultimately, just doing one of these things every single day will start to make you feel healthier. Doing all five will change your life. Try them, and tell me what you think.

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