Resparking Your Fitness Resolutions

Did you set fitness goals for the new year? You and almost everyone else.  It’s time to check in! We’re officially halfway through the year, and halfway to next year. Show of hands if that terrifies you. I don’t know about you, but I started the year with some badass fitness resolutions, and I am no where near achieving them. This year has been a great excuse to slow down for people always on the move, but those of us trying to push ourselves further… It’s hard to see pumpkin spice without feeling a hint of disappointment.

For some reason, people love to set fitness resolutions. People want to lose weight or run a marathon or drop a dress size, and decide January after stuffing their face for six weeks with delicious holiday food is a good time to start. Realistically, it’s not. Personally, I think Spring is the best time to push our bodies. As the earth comes back to life, so does our motivation to get outside and move. No one wants to move in January… We want to cuddle under a chunky blanket. Tell me I’m wrong. Spring is a better time to set new goals, but people decide to set resolutions for the New Year instead. Then Spring and Summer roll around, and the goal is off track. How do you get it back? How do you respark that fitness resolution?



crouching in athletic wear
Outfit: Tank | Bra | Leggings |

10 Tips to Spark your Fitness Resolutions

    1. There’s still time! There’s still half of the year left, so you have plenty of time left. If you’ve fallen off the bandwagon, get back on and get going. You will get further by doing something, anything, than you would if you give up.
    2. Track the little successes. Write down everything! Keep a little notebook with every little success, every PR, every time you go in a belt notch.
    3. Take progress pictures. You may not see results in the mirror, or on the scale, but they’re there. Taking consistent photos each month shows longterm progress.
    4. Make a vision board. Seeing your goals will motivate you to hit the gym or go to class. Vision boards also remind us why we’re pushing for these goals.
    5. Reevaluate your goal– is it realistic? Sometimes we realize a goal won’t work, but rather than call it a dud, set a different one that is attainable.
    6. Reward yourself (along the way). We all loved sticker charts as kids, so pull it out again. Every small goal on track to your ultimate goal deserves a reward.
    7. Schedule your workout. Decide in advance and set an alarm. You wouldn’t miss an appointment, so don’t miss a workout. Schedule the exact time for waking up, filling your water bottles, working out, and showering, and hold yourself to the book.
    8. Good playlist. Whether you’re trying to add a walk around the neighborhood or a gym sesh, a good playlist will keep you moving. Build a playlist on Spotify, or choose a fitness station on Pandora. The heavier beat, the better. I researched cordless bluetooth headphones, and snagged these, which are perfect for running or lifting at the gym. They stay put, and the sound is smooth.
    9. Finding fitness. When all else fails, look for fitness where it’s hiding. Park further away from the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a stroll on your lunch break. Carrying a basket at a grocery store instead of pushing a cart will even squeeze in some muscles.
    10. Buy a new outfit. Sometimes the best way to stay motivated while working out is to ditch the ratty tee and athletic shorts and workout in a new fitness outfit instead. My favorite fitness set is less than $30, and restocks with new prints frequently, so I reward myself with a new set whenever I need a little motivation.

Shop Some of my Favorite Fitness Essentials:

Are you trying to be your best self? Let me know what your fitness goals are in the comments below, and we can hold each other accountable.



Read More: Fitness Posts | Making Fitness a Priority | Running Safety | Home Gym Essentials

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Ten Tips to Respark your Fitness Journey

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