Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Are you drinking enough water each day? Most people aren’t. Our generation was raised on the Got Milk campaign and push for 100% real juice, and unfortunately the marketing campaigns missed the mark on what our bodies actually needed… water. Sad fact, many adults claim that they don’t like water. I know I was one… Continue reading Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Happy Healthy: Five Steps to Healthier Skin

If you search for “skin care routine” in any search engine you can quickly become overwhelmed with dermatologist recommended and Korean inspired and step by step instructions for developing a daytime and nighttime routine. Y’all, if you have a ten step beauty routine each morning and before bed, power to you. But I don’t have time for that, and my… Continue reading Happy Healthy: Five Steps to Healthier Skin