Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Are you drinking enough water each day? Most people aren’t. Our generation was raised on the Got Milk campaign and push for 100% real juice, and unfortunately the marketing campaigns missed the mark on what our bodies actually needed… water. Sad fact, many adults claim that they don’t like water. I know I was one… Continue reading Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Winter Blues: At-Home Seasonal Depression Survival Guide

Do you have a case of the winter blues? The cooler months are grey and dreary, and it’s easy to let your mood get the best of you. But what about when those low days become low weeks? If ignored, seasonal depression has the power to pull you into a deep pit. 

Overcoming Social Media Addiction: tips to living offline

I ain’t ever seen two pretty best friends… There’s a good chance if you’re on social media, you read that with a certain accent, and can reference it to either a tweet, a FB post, or a Tik Tok video. Social media lets people share content quickly, and before we know it a simple post… Continue reading Overcoming Social Media Addiction: tips to living offline

Phasing into a New Normal- Adjusting to Life after a Big Experience

It’s finally here. We are phasing into a new normal, getting back to life after weeks of lockdown. Non-essential businesses are beginning to open, people are starting to go back to work, and we are getting on with life. The corona virus has been an unbelievable experience for everyone, globally, and really changed my perspective… Continue reading Phasing into a New Normal- Adjusting to Life after a Big Experience

How to Stay Grounded During “Social Distancing”

Social distancing… who knew that in a time of intense social media and online presence, we would crave that physical social connection with people. There are w countless jokes about millennials and their inability to use a phone (and would rather text), yet we’re struggling with no longer being able to be around people. Staying… Continue reading How to Stay Grounded During “Social Distancing”