The #PlannerGirl Hunt

Once upon a time… I remember when I first accidentally stumbled upon the hashtag “PlannerGirl” on Instagram. I was waiting exceptionally long in an exam room for one of my many prenatal visits. The jubilee and detail that those people put into decorating their planners memorized me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my “agenda” in grade school, purchased a planner in high school and college, and frequently color code and use post-it notes to organize. But these #PlannerGirls are a whole new breed of organized.

Planners seem to run July-July, and I don’t know why. My old school Agenda was August to June, but that correlates with the school year. July to July just means I am going planner shopping in the summer.

My days are jammed packed. I have appointments, play dates, group fitness classes at the gym, Kidz Fit classes I teach, errands, and family activities. I need to be able to track all of these things and still have room for my to-do list. I’m not asking a lot. Oh, and it needs to fit in my bag. 

One think I knew, was my disinterested in a fancy planner. I’m far to fiscal for Erin Condred and Plum Paper. Instead, I checked TJ Maxx and struck out. So I headed to the store where Mom’s go to kill time, spend money on chotskies they don’t need, and eat a bag of Twizzlers while filling the cart with things you won’t end up buying: Target.

The Ultimate Planner

I opened every single planner, and ended up choosing the exact same one I had last year. Creature of habit, I like what I like.


I also purchased a notebook to use as a separate BuJo for all things everything. Bullet Journaling gives the freedom to track, list, plan, and vent exactly how you want and need. Plus, there’s a creative outlet and freedoms attached. This book I did find at Tj Maxx, and although the lines arent my favorite, the simple cover is! I even set up a few spreads for tracking my DotDotSmile actions.

The perfect planner is out there for everyone. Just know what you’re looking for by deciding how you will use it. Show me your favorite planner!

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