Ya’ll know the obvious- I’m a toddler mom, I’m married, I’ve moved a lot as an adult. It’s pretty evident that health and fitness play a strong roll in my life. Showing the highlight reel on Instagram leaves a lot to be desired in the about me category. But have you ever wondered more about… Continue reading 10 Things You Would Never Guess About Me
Friday Recap
Hello hello! It’s been a while since I’ve written a weekly recap, since life has been helter skelter here. But alas, back to the basics- five things Friday is only four this week, because my fitness has been trash. I didn’t run a single mile nor go to the gym even once. This week has… Continue reading Friday Recap
How Runners Stay Alive – 5 Tips for Running Safety
If you ever need a reason not to run outside, turn on an episode of SVU Y’all, I love running and I cannot stand running on a treadmill. Unless I am specifically using the treadmill as a training tool for speed work, hills, or pace consistency, I wan’t nothing to do with it. They hurt… Continue reading How Runners Stay Alive – 5 Tips for Running Safety
How to Wear White Pants- Five Simple Styles
As a toddler mom, white is a disaster waiting to happen. Actually, every time I wear white pants a disaster in fact does happen- the first time, something blue rubbed all over them in the wash. The second time I wore white pants, I spilled coffee. This most recent time, I dropped a chocolate on… Continue reading How to Wear White Pants- Five Simple Styles
Father’s Day Gift Guide (Things Dad Won’t Admit He Needs)
Father’s Day is just around the corner. Do you have a gift for the man in your life? Or, perhaps you still need to grab a Father’s Day gift for your own old man. Stop giving him plaid ties and another box of golf tees (especially if he says he golfs more than he actually… Continue reading Father’s Day Gift Guide (Things Dad Won’t Admit He Needs)