Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Are you drinking enough water each day? Most people aren’t. Our generation was raised on the Got Milk campaign and push for 100% real juice, and unfortunately the marketing campaigns missed the mark on what our bodies actually needed… water. Sad fact, many adults claim that they don’t like water. I know I was one… Continue reading Happy Healthy: 5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Morning Workout Motivation: How to Workout in the Morning (if You’re NOT a Morning Person)

What do you call people who work out before 5am? The Rooster Crew Working out before sunrise requires a spacial morning motivation that doesn’t come naturally to many people. Most people aren’t able to knockout a fitness class or morning workout at the crack of dawn, and need to train their mind as they’re training their… Continue reading Morning Workout Motivation: How to Workout in the Morning (if You’re NOT a Morning Person)